Sustainable cocoa
At Toms we source sustainable cocoa and thereby we protect forests and support cocoa farmers, their communities and children. The Cocoa Horizon programme and the Rainforest Alliance certification are the platforms through which we act and achieve significant results for people and environment involved in cocoa cultivation
Guld Barre supports sustainable cocoa: 100% of the cocoa for Guld Barre is covered by the Cocoa Horizon programme. Click here to follow the strong roll-out of initiatives through Cocoa Horizon.
Sustainability in full value chain
At Toms we make sustainable choices all along our value chain - for the people we interact with and the environment we impact. This is our basic approach. Our ambition is to contribute to a better, greener, and safer world.
Corporate responsibility in Toms Group is based on the 10 principles of UN Global Compact, and focus, ambitions, and efforts are based on double materialty assessment. Our strategy: 'Sustainable choices' include the areas along the value chain where we have biggest current and potential impact - positive as well as negative.
The pillars: 'Responsible sourcing', 'Combat climate change', and 'Circular packaging' stand on a foundation of policies and targets within: 'Supplier relations', Resource management', and Safety & wellbeing'. By this, we ensure compliance with national and international recommendations, and a flexible implementation of new initiatives. Find information on the three pillars here: Responsible sourcing, Combat climate change and Circular packaging.
Annual Reports and Policies
Our annual non-financial report describes our approach to sustainability and the achieved results.
See the latest reports here where you also find our policies guiding us in the continued efforts for sustainability.